Friday, February 22, 2008

The Lineup

Unless someone wants in by midnight tonight (3 more teams), here is the breakdown...

J.R. Lee and Todd Lollis = 504 lb (Freedom)
Mark Ayers and Shea Ferguson = 526 lb (Reveal)
Gary Lamb and Tim May = 433 lb (Revolution)
Zach Brown and Corey Tutor = 541 lb (Bootgun- Freedom)
Ross Wiseman and Jared Hager = 474 lb (Embassy Metro)
Andy Jones and James Bravo = 443 lb (Watermarke)
Michael Larkin and Kyle Little = 414 lb (Living Proof)


Unknown said...

James' last name is Bravo BTW.

J.R. said...

Bravo! Very Cool - I have never recieved a check from someone with such a sweet name :)

Corey said...

Our team would have the largest weight.

Unknown said...

Yeah I am worried that Tim doesn't weigh enough to matter. I think I am a one man team.

J.R. said...

Let the excuses begin...

I bet the team that can lose 35 pounds will win. Obviously none of us are weight loss experts or we wouldn't be doing this crazy competition...

But for the record, Todd and I will lose a BUNCH

Ross Wiseman said...

Dang that's a lot of fat. Is it wrong to feel good that your team wasn't the fattest?

Really...35 pounds takes it? I nearly did that the past two months by myself.

Guys, just to let you know...Jared and I were with a professional trainer this morning bright and early. My only regret, there's not more money in the pool to take.

Unknown said...

Personal Trainer? That is fine. Gain a lot of muscle because it weighs more than fat.

If 35 wins it then we are in BAD shape!

KTP said...

Me and Corey weigh the most b/c we are dedicated to what ever we do and that included fried food and dessert at 1am but that lifestyle has ended and we shift our dedication to pure mass reduction! It has been broughtin'!

J.R. said...

Actually 30 lbs will probably win it, so you should just stop there :)

Now, off to find a buffet!

mark ayers said...

I'm a little pissed that we are 2nd fattest team...but that's good motivation...can't wait to cash the checks...especially from JR and Todd who are oh so confident that they are the weight loss champs...